Global Logistics

    S-TEC provide customized solutions for customers at competitive cost and optimal transportation methods with our decades of experience in global logistics. Experience the differentiated service of S-TEC which has no restrictions on cargo resources.

    Global Logistics

    Vietnam Custom clearance / Duty refund / Liquidity management service

    S-TEC provide special solutions for Vietnam customs clearance, duty refund, liquidity management, etc.

    Service for Vietnam

    Shipping certificate issuance agency / Service for African country

    S-TEC Logistic provide customers with professional service to Africa for smooth handling.

    Service for African country


    오시는 길S-TEC Logistic.,Ltd 42, Mieumgukje 5rora-gil, Gangseo-gu, Busan, 46747, Korea

    HQ : 1F, 10, Suyeong-ro 642beon-gil, Suyeong-gu, Busan, 48270, Korea  |  Newport Office : 42, Mieumgukje 5rora-gil, Gangseo-gu, Busan, 46747, Korea
    S-TEC LOGISTIC Co., Ltd.  |  CEO : Andrea Ha  |  Business registration number : 602-81-66447  |  Corporation registration number : 180111-0935619
    International Forwarding Business : 제 부-751호  |  E-mail : |  Tel : 070-4421-2223 |  Fax : 051-832-2028
    Copyright ⓒ S-TEC LOGISTIC Co., Ltd.. All rights reserved.